
Spring blossoms

Last night I arrived home past dark, returning from a four-day business trip to Dallas. So it was only this morning, backing out of the driveway, that I noticed the azalea blooming. By the side of the driveway, this bush has consistently been the first in our yard to bloom.

After what seemed like an interminable winter, here’s welcome proof that spring has arrived, more definitive than the calendar or the teasing hints of warmer weather. I’m not sure why this particular winter seemed so long; I don’t recall the sense of an endless season since arriving in New Hampshire 13 years ago.

Thanks to the blooms on that azalea, I have a deep sense of renewal.

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  • Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment — also for the link to I’m Very Lucky. Nice blog! — Gary

  • Anonymous

    Beautiful photo of the azaleas. Being from Texas, it’s hard to feel a sense of renewal, because it just gets hot. Very rarely do we have a spring. I’m sure you noticed that when you were in Dallas!

    I like the tone of your blog, it reminds me of http://www.imverylucky.com.

    Be grateful.